2022 Book of the Year

Institute for Christian Financial Health 2022 Book of the Year
Simple Money, Rich Life: Achieve True Financial Freedom and Design a Life of Eternal Impact
by Bob Lotich
It is rare to find a financial book that weaves together content that is biblical, highly engaging, and practical. But this exactly what Bob Lotich has done with Simple Money, Rich Life. Lotich has been assisting men and women with their personal finances for many years. His award-winning website, SeedTime.com and SeedTime Money Podcast have reached over 50 million people. In many ways, Simple Money, Rich Life is a culmination of his work in the financial health field. Whether a person is looking to better their own financial situation or help others pursue God’s design for money, Simple Money, Rich life is a tremendous resource. For this reason, we are excited to award Simple Money, Rich Life as our 2022 Book of the Year.