The Institute for Christian Financial Health exists to help people discover and pursue God's design for money. We believe the way we manage our money matters, for our own heart's desire and for those who have yet to hear the name of Jesus. The institute is an initiative of Christian Money Solutions.

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Become a Certified Christian Financial Counselor.

Valuable information to better equip you to help others.

Dr. Art Rainer is the Director of the Institute for Christian Financial Health. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University and an MBA from the University of Kentucky. He writes and speaks extensively on the topic of Christian financial health. Dr. Rainer is the founder of Christian Money Solutions, author of The Money Challenge and host of the More Than Money podcast.
Board of Advisors
The institute's Board of Advisors helps the institute achieve its mission. Their collective skill, knowledge, and advice provide invaluable guidance. Board of Advisor members assist on a voluntary basis and receive no compensation.

Rob West
CEO, Kingdom Advisors

Leo Sabo
President, Christian Stewardship Network

Thom Rainer
CEO, Church Answers

Amanda Burke
Founder, The Financial Apologist and Camp Cents